Not ‘Goodbye’ but ‘See You Later’

Not ‘Goodbye’ but ‘See You Later’

This summer I have spent time contemplating God’s call to Abraham: “Go forth from your land, your relatives, and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1) Instead of lazy days by the poolside or weekends camping, our family...
Are We There Yet?

Are We There Yet?

Do the words “family vacation” strike terror into your heart like they do mine? I enjoy the idea of a family vacation. Yet when the hypothetical becomes tangible, reality is far from my imaginings. Vacationing with little ones becomes exhausting and stressful for me....
No Matter How Small

No Matter How Small

Our oldest daughter, Mary, is preparing for theater camp this summer, where she and the other children will perform Seussical, the Musical. Yesterday she played the soundtrack to the musical and we heard Horton belt: “A person’s a person, no matter how small!”...
Lessons from White as Silence, Red as Song

Lessons from White as Silence, Red as Song

In White as Silence, Red as Song by Alessandro D’Avenia, Leo sees his world in color. Every emotion is a color in the mind of this sixteen year old boy. Red is passion and life. Red is the color of Beatrice’s hair, the girl in his grade with whom he’s desperately in...
Hope in a Dystopian World

Hope in a Dystopian World

“I feel like I’m living in a dystopian novel,” I said to my husband one day in March 2020. That was when my world, like yours, came to a dramatic halt. A universal shut-down, imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic, became an unprecedented experience for our...

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